D-9 Angled Inverted Cross with Ball

From $482

Download Drawings: G3 G4 G6

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Prestige Gable products are constructed of PVC material as an upgrade solution to the decay of lesser traditional materials.  Prestige Products produces an array of various products to meet the needs, price points and product aesthetics.   

The G1 and G3 Gable details have 1” thick side profile of stretchers.  The premium upgrades of G4 & G6 have wider gable details.  The highest level of lasting quality and straightest gable system is best achieved with an upgrade to a plywood or best solution, aluminum interior stiffening of stretchers option found with G4 & G6 products.  Unsupported (stiffened) product may illustrate amounts of warping.

 Gable Installation

Gable Depth

G1 (1"), G3 (2.5"), G4 (3.5"), G6 (5.5")

Gable Width (Ft)

6, 8, 12

Post Width (in)

4, 6, 8

Pitch (x/12)

5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Paint or Stain

No Paint, Paint, Stain